J's Corner


I am Julian, an a Cybersecurity enthusiast from the sunny island of Singapore! My educational background is in Computer Forensics, with a strong interest in exploitation. Hence, I can be considered a "Purple Team" kinda guy.

Professionally, I have performed penetration testing, threat hunting, digital forensics, configuration reviews, audits and more for clients across various sectors. I also have the capability to perform malware analysis and some simple reversing if required.

Over time as I continue to learn new things, I hope to share some of my knowledge and experiences though this platform. I will also post and share new updates on my LinkedIn profile(click below!) on occasion, so do connect with me there!

Within my articles you may find that I show support for certain companies, software, courses(paid or free) etc. Please know that these are my personal opinions and thoughts, and that I am not affliated with them nor do I gain any benefit from sharing them. Regardless of how you ended up here, I thank you for visiting my page and I sincerely hope that the content I post provides value to you. Should you feel the need, do reach out to me via email.


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