VHL: Week 1

by on under VirtualHackingLabs
1 minute read

This post is an update of my VirtualHackingLabs experience. 1 week has passed since I started on the labs. My goal was simple; to root in order of difficulty from Beginner, then Advanced, then Advanced+.

The first 3 nights were spent in total on the 9 Beginner boxes. During this time, I cannot say I was excited. The boxes were faily easy and were obviously designed for total beginners. Most of them do not require priviledge escalation, and scripts were readily found for them.

Nights 4 and 5 were not used, as I spent the time sleeping(lol). I do have a habit of taking a nap in the evening and finding myself waking up next morning, instead of 1 hour or so as intended.

On the 6th and 7th day, I put aside some time and rooted 2 Advanced machines per day, bringing the total number of roots to 13. The advanced boxes, despite the name, were only slightly harder than the Beginner ones. As I had previously practiced on HackTheBox machines, it was mildly annoying that they were so straightforward to root and posed less of a challenge than I thought.

I’ll update again next week on further progress. Hopefully by the end of week 2 I can pull off at least 1-2 roots per day and clear out half the available labs.


Flexed on the 9 beginner boxes, then slowed down a little bit.

OSCP, VirtualHackingLabs, VHL
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